Monday, August 14, 2017

to transfer or not transfer... that is the question


Welllllll where to begin. What to say. Let's just start with the fact that TODAY WAS TRANSFERS AND GUESSSSS WHAT!!!!! 

I AM STAYING IN NIIGATA FOR A 5TH TRANSFER! YAHOOOOOOOOOO! Words cannot describe how excited and relieved I was when I got the call this morning. I have come to love this area and this calling so much and the thought of leaving just about broke my heart. I was talking to Mana ちゃん about it yesterday she said she would personally call President Nagano to tell him that was not okay. She has become like a sister to me and so I am so excited to have more time here. Sooooooooo here goes transfer 5! WOOOO! 

remember when I hiked a mountain? well we did it round 2....
in 1498249738463987 degree weather. (also sneak peak...
my new comp is the cutie on the left)
NOW. FOR EVEN MORE EXCITING NEWS.... MY NEW COMPANION IS JAPANESE! INTRODUCINGGGGGGGGGGGGG..... SHOJI SHIMAI! I don't think I can even explain how much I Iove this human. She is currently serving in Nagaoka, aka my zone, and we are wayyyyy good friends. This transfer is gonna be sickkkkk! I will miss my cute little Batchelor Shimai, who is leaving me for America this week (again.... bye friends), but I am really excited to see what's in store for the next transfer. YAY!

Saki ちゃん!
This week was FULL of miracles. I was just a happy little missionary. One HUGE miracle happens to go by the name of Saki ちゃん. About 3 weeks ago we found her on the train and started meeting with her. She said she was a member of a different church but she was interested in what Mormons believe. YAY. We have now done 2 lessons with her and at the end of the second one we asked her how she felt... She said she felt the spirit... Just as much as she did at her own church. Can I get a BOOYAAAAAA! I was so happy to hear that because before she kept comparing everything to her own church.. This was HUGE! We invited her to church and she was kind of iffy about it but was like when I learn more I think I might want to try and go. HEY THAT WORKS WITH US. We were pumped just hearing that.

BUT. IT GETS BETTER. That night, she texted us...... "Hey what time is church on Sunday again?" OKAY HELLO. WHAT. THENNNNNNNN THIS. "I have time this Sunday... Is it okay if me and my mom come to church??" Hmmmmm let me think about it. YES! To say Batchelor Shimai and I were screaming our heads off would be an understatement. YAYAYYAYAY! 

Saki and her mom not only came to church but now her mom, who has been a member of a different church for 30 years, wants to take the lessons too. CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT MIRACLES FOR A SECOND?

I love my calling. I love this place. Missions. They're truly one of a kind.



Modersitzki 姉妹

Fun Fact:
-Air conditioners. They don't have ac units that work for the whole house. You have to have a separate air conditioner for each room and they turn them off every time they leave or are in a different room... akaaaaaaaa sometimes I die of heat. It's cool.

Zone peeps and a view
Did we have a typhoon? Maybe. Did we run around in it
for half of our dinner time? ....................maybe.

Naho ちゃん and
Bye bye party for Sis. Batchelor and Elder Swenson :'(
Dinner with the Kondos who I adore.

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