-Trav(doing missionary work)eling |
I know I know. Every email I start the same... "This week was crazy but the best"... I AM SORRY BUT IT IS TRUE. This week was insane. And it was the best. Sooooo no regrets.
First things first. Yesterday was transfer calls andddddddd SISTER LARSEN AND I ARE SAFE IN NIIGATA. Can I get a woot woot? So pumped. Niigata is literally exploding with miracles right now. To say I am ready to leave would be like saying I like eating dirt. Just no. AKA HOLLA AT NO TRANSFER. This is Sister Larsen's last transfer too, so we are ready to make it legendary.... get ready folks.
Now. There is about 783928274 things I want to talk about, but I will control myself and just tell you about the miracle I like to call Sumireko... aka Sumi ちゃん. Let's take it back 78 years ago to my first transfer in Niigata. We were doing a free English challenge where we met this cute 16 year old. She loved English and in fact was Christian! ....... I KNOW RIGHT? I DIED TOO. Annnnyyyyways. She was way cool and on like the national rugby team and ya. Just sweet. We wanted to meet with her but she was so busy with sports that we just exchanged lines (messenger app thing that nihonjin are obsessed with) and went on our way. WELL. This past week she texted us saying she wanted to meet.. she had a few days off so did we meet every day? YES. Did we teach her about the restoration? YES. Did she keep grabbing her chest saying her heart felt so warm? YES. Did she cry when we showed her the youth music videos? YES. Did she say she knew Joseph Smith was a true prophet? YES. Am I the happiest person alive? YOU BETCHA, YES.
Sumi is obsessed with the church's teachings and wants to come and join so bad. We are trying to figure stuff out with rugby because well... it's hard when you're a national champ, but seriously, I have never met someone with such a prepared heart... especially at age 16. LIKE WHAT?! I cannot describe how much I love her. Like AHHH she is just so special. We were teaching her this past week where I just felt the spirit so strongly to tell her I came to Niigata for her... She said she completely agreed and said she knew it was not a coincidence. In fact in the cute English that she knows she said, "It's destiny." ....... and then I melted into a puddle bc A. That's the cutest thing ever, and B. God's timing is so cool.
I love this work.
Modersitzki 姉妹
Fun facts:
- I continue to get told I look like Taylor Swift alllllllll the time. Actually way funny. This past Tuesday we went to Sado and on the boat all these dudes from Taiwan (hey Claire) came up and asked to take pictures with us. HAHAHA so fun.
-Mana ちゃん... she is coming home with me mom... Okay? (no joke were planning it rn) |
-Happy Mother's Day for Nagano 姉妹 featuring Momo, Ei, Yuki, and Sumi!
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-Sado... it's a pretty place man. I'll tell you that for free. |
-Perks of serving in Niigata. You get way tight with your mish pres and wife. This was when she took us all to dinner and we squished in her van.... complete with florescent pink lights. NICE |
I love her! And I knew they would think she was Taylor ;)